Start your wellness journey

Welcome to your path to digestive wellness!

Are you tired of the challenges that come with immune and digestive conditions? Struggling with IBD flare-ups, exhaustion, or Refractory Coeliac disease. Are you ready to take control of your health and discover a personalised approach to managing your symptoms?

Join us on a transformative journey tailored to empower you with insights, knowledge, and strategies to reclaim your well-being.

Crohn's Colitis path


You may be looking to optimise your IBD management, or for what might have triggered your Crohn's/Colitis . You may have unresolved coeliac symptoms, despite a gluten-free diet. Or, you may be dealing with other autoimmune conditions, fatigue or wondering why you ended up with Long-Covid and others didn't.

Select the button below for your health problem to find out more.

Options for working with Axon Nutrition

It has probably taken many years for your health problems to accumulate, so they are not likely to turn around with one appointment.

We know that changing health takes time, and we want to empower you to live the life you really want to live. Start your journey with one of our webinars, or take charge of your health right away with 3 months support from Axon Nutrition, learning the key steps you need to take to get your unique body back on track to optimising your health.

You can work with Axon Nutrition, either in a group program or through 1-2-1 support provided over a minimum of 3 months. This is because we want you to experience the health you have always wanted, and want to ensure you get the support and time you deserve, to maximise the benefits of your individual support, and reclaim thriving health.

All consultations and group classes are held remotely via Zoom.

If you want to get started, then sign up for our in-depth webinar, "IBD Flare-up: The Missing Pieces", where you'll discover some jewels of knowledge that help you figure out why your symptoms are continuing, despite your hard work. We'll also be discussing all about our 3-month IBD group program "Flare-up Fighters", and how you can join up.

Or, if you want to find out more about working 1-2-1 with Axon Nutrition, or discuss our Exclusive in-person IBD Retreat, you can book a free call to find out more - Discover how Axon Nutrition can help you. A free 20 minute Zoom call, where you can ask your questions and we can help guide you as to which of our services would be most suitable to your circumstances and health challenges. No hard feelings if our approach doesn't feel right for you, and we're very happy to point you in the right direction if we're not the correct fit for you and your needs.

If it feels like the right fit for you, then we'll send you everything you need to get started and book your first appointment. Getting you on the right track back to health.

Helping you feel 
happier and healthier

Axon Nutrition provides support to those living with immune and digestive issues and struggling to recover

Contact us
Tel:  01584  777 232

Email Axon Nutrition

Business Hours

Mon - Fri
Appointment only
Sat - Sun

Find us


Chapel House Therapy Centre, 16 Old Street, Ludlow, Shropshire
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